Thursday, August 18

Estoy Aquí

I'm in Spain right now. What.

Let's start at the beginning shall we? 
El Vuelo: The flight was business as usual, except for the fact that I was sitting next to the coolest person ever, aka a Spanish student named Bea who is my age and generally hilarious. I'm pretty sure I woke some people up by laughing to hard at her antics. So funny. Hopefully I'll be able to hang out with her in Madrid at some point? 

Desde el Aeropuerto al Apartamiento: Since I got to the airport so stinkin early, there was no line for customs, and I could easily find our program director's assistant waiting for me. It rained a little bit, which Bea had just assured me it never does in Madrid, so that was weird. Some things I noticed about Madrid while briefly being driven through it:

  • It's not as European-looking as Paris, probably because
  • People know how to drive (ie they use their blinkers [shocking] and I didn't feel like my life was constantly in danger), however at rush hour that may be a different story
  • The buildings seem more modern
  • The cars are a bit more like what you would see in America
El Apartamiento: I got to the apartment first so I get the better room with more closet space, hooray. I went to sleep immediately despite the fact that there is construction going on on our building and the building outside my window. Whoever said there wouldn't be AC is correct. The woman I live with is a straight up artist, she has a whole studio room and shows her work and stuff.

Otros TidbitsUnderstanding Spaniards so far is surprisingly easy, speaking is surprisingly hard. The Pope is actually in Madrid at this very moment, so there are upwards of a million extra people here just to see him. Coffee here is great. Elevators are scary and small. Life is good. I leave you with a pic of the view when I lean precariously out my window (sparing you the construction haha).

Leave some comments por favor!


  1. This looks great and a lot of fun!Don't forget to check out the dogs in Madrid and let Bear know how they live!

  2. por que no escribes en español?
    nosotros necesitamos practicarrr

    y me gusta esta formata de blog jaja

  3. Porque nadie podría entenderrrrrr.

    If you will note I did throw in some Spanish words for flavor. Maybe I'll ease you into it and by December everything will be in Spanish mwahaha.

  4. lol yo puedo entender, pero supongo que hay muchos otros que no podrían entender. De alguna manera, espero que te diviertas en Madrid, y no te olvides de escribirme por correo electronico/facebook. Also, I will follow your blog and keep the ACTS people updated, if Lauren has not already committed to this. :P Have fun, kid

  5. Dude awesome view! Guess what Lucy?? I'm taking Spanish this semester! Huzzah! Spanish 102, I'm going to be with freshmen but whatevess... you, me, and Paige can converse in Espanol when you get back!

  6. Awesome! Our entire suite is going to be speaking some awesome Spanish! You all should come and visit me to practice :)

  7. I wanna come!! No he practicado casi nada del espanol este verano... Te extrano chica :( updates on ACTS stuff forthcoming! As soon as I get a real internet connection.
