Some Background Info

I am currently in the Dominican Republic (see here), but if you are curious as to what this blog was originally about, read on!

As you may have guessed, I'm studying abroad in Madrid this fall, so my hope is that this blog will be an efficient way to let everyone know at once what's going on over here! I'm living in an apartment in the city with a Spanish family and another girl from my program. There are only four other students from my home university here, but I'll be interacting a lot with other international students from all over the world. While attending a local university I'm taking classes only in Spanish, although I'm sure I'll be learning more outside the classroom than inside!

I chose the title Está Aquí (It's Here) because often the only useful thing people know how to say in Spanish is "¿Dónde está el baño/la biblioteca/el supermercado/etc?" Well folks, to answer your question, everything is here in Madrid! Not only will I be asking people all the time where stuff is around here, but Madrid is such a huge, awesome city that you can find anything you want here!

If you or anyone you know is familiar with any awesome stuff to do in Madrid/Spain, please tell me! I am here for a while so I am always open to new and interesting things. If you have something to say, feel free to comment by clicking on the post and then scrolling to the bottom of it. If you want to receive email notifications whenever I add a new post to this blog, just type your email address in the appropriate box to the right (which I highly recommend because you don't want to miss a second of living vicariously through me, right?). Thank you for reading! ¡Bienvenidos!