Friday, October 21

The Greatest Thing Ever

I went to my first professional sports game on Tuesday. Not only a professional sports game, but a soccer game. Not only a professional soccer game, but a European soccer game. Not only a professional European soccer game, but a REAL MADRID GAME. (real means royal here, not real, in case you were wondering)

Let me tell you the story. It was the night before the game, and I saw that some people had posted about it on Facebook. I really wanted to go but figured it would be ridiculously expensive. I decided on a whim to ask someone how much he paid for them, and lo and behold his friend was selling two tickets for cheaper than usual! So I convinced my roommate to go with me and less than 24 hours later there we were, sitting in the second row of our section (the worst section, but still the second row!) watching some of the greatest soccer players in the world crush the opposition like it's their job. Which it is.

You must realize that, although it doesn't seem like it now, the above story was really very dramatic and suspenseful while it was unfolding. I mean I REALLY wanted to go to this game. Really a lot. You can ask my roommate. I was freaking out before, during, and after. Still am. Time for PICTURES!

The advertisement for the game (we played Lyon, France):

The field/stadium before the game:

 Us before the game:

Me staring intently:

Our side taking a free kick:

Their side taking a free kick:

People straightening up the turf at the half! You don't see that on TV!

Now you feel like you were there, right? Ok, I took a lot of pictures. But it was that great. We were sitting next to some true madrileños who were cursing the entire time, making it easy to tell how the game was going in case I suddenly forgot. I'm not really sure what all the fuss was about considering that Madrid wins almost all their games and they easily took this one at 4-0. Truly an impressive team.

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