Two randomly awesome things happened to me this week in Spain; as the title reveals they involved a protest and a peacock. First the protest.
My roommate Ariel and I were hanging out in the apartment when we heard a commotion outside. When we looked to see what it was we saw this:
An actual political protest! There were hundreds of people passing by chanting and waving signs. Why they chose our street I don't know, there aren't exactly any government buildings around or anything. Then we thought, well why don't we just go downstairs and get a closer look? So we did:
We were following it along the opposite side of the street when we stumbled upon some random signs, kind of like this kid:
We decided to pick up the signs as awesome souvenirs and soon found ourselves following the crowd into the main protest! So we protested! Someone handed us a flyer explaining the cause: apparently the Spanish government is planning on amending the Constitution to restrict spending and these people did not like that idea. It was a really unique experience because I feel like political demonstrations of that scale do not happen very often in the U.S. Speaking of unique experiences that don't happen in the U.S.....(semi-awkward segue)......
The peacock. Ariel and I went to el Parque de Retiro, the equivalent of Central Park in Madrid.
We were just walking around casually exploring the park when we happened upon a rouge peacock! I kid you not, this thing was just chilling in the flowers doing whatever it is peacocks do. This pretty much sums it up:
I was SO excited, I don't think I'd ever seen one before, at least not that close. I took an incredible amount of pictures and eventually scared the poor thing away and up into a tree (can peacocks fly? If not they sure can jump...). The strange thing to me was that all the locals around us acted like it was no big deal while I was running around snapping pictures every second like a fool. I don't regret it though, that peacock was awesome.
Well I hope this post was somewhat entertaining in its randomness. I tried to put in a lot of pictures since the last one was pretty wordy :)